King David, 2018, glazed ceramic, 10” x 6.5” x 9”
Embarrassed, 2017, glazed ceramic, 5.25 x 7.5 x 5 inches,
Small Head of a Prince, 2017,glazed ceramic, 6.25 x 4 x 5.25 inches,
Head of a man (E.C.), 2017, painted ceramic, 7.25" x 5.75" x 7",
Seated Queen, 2017, glazed ceramic, 8" x 5.5" x 4"
Young Prince, 2017, glazed ceramic, 7.5" x 5" x 6.5",



Woman with Outstretched Arms, 2015, carved and painted wood, 15” x 11” x 5”
Embarrassed I, 2017, glazed ceramic, 7" x 4.5" x 5.5"
Head of a Young Man, 2017, painted hydrocal, 10" x 6" x 7"


Painted Head, 2017, painted hydrocal, 10" x 6" x 7",


Head, waxed terra-cotta, 2015, 12" x 7" x 7",
